Simple Prints

Every year I think I’ll introduce linocut and every year I opt for the styrofoam, when I imagine hands securing the linoleum on the far side of the linocut blade that might inadvertently slip and skip over the linoleum straight to the curve between the thumb and forefinger…Okay, that might have happened to me in grade school. I should get over it. Next year, we’re doing the real deal.

Styrofoam works fairly well though curves and circles are a little difficult to maneuver. But overall I love the finished look. We use real printing ink- not acrylic paints- on glass plates to load the brayer.

You have to remember that words and letters need to be imprinted backwards so they come out forwards on the print. !YADHTRIB YPPAH looks kind of cryptic until you print it.

Tempered glass is a great surface for rolling out the ink.

Lined up to dry while they work on the next.

I love how the prior print color peeks through at the edges

This cat has so much personality!

This little artist just welcomed a baby sister into their family. The lion is her symbol for the fight she put up to get out of the hospital and go home to her family.


“Hi,” to you too.

Older students can veer towards not being “cute” with their execution. (Pun intended.)

Always a dinosaur theme with this guy.